- http://www.sustainabilityoptions.org.nz/ Located in Tauranga, free sustainable home assessment.
- http://www.smarterhomes.org.nz: The general aspects of NZ sustainable building.
- http://www.level.org.nz. The technical aspects and details of NZ sustainable building.
- http://www.sculptedearth.co.nz/?page_id=12 Rosa Henderson leads cob, tiny home and earthship courses frequently in NZ.
- http://earthship.co.nz There is talk that earthships require a warmer climate than NZ can provide. Do your research before committing to one.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2so9hyNWxc Watch the first 3 of 5 minutes, you’ll have the gist of how earthships are constructed.
- https://www.ecobob.co.nz/eco-homes-for-sale/ Eco homes and products for sale
- http://permaculture.com.au/treating-bamboo-using-transpiration/ Another good website with practical info on eco building, this time on using bamboo.
- http://www.environmentalchoice.org.nz/products_and_services/index.htm Products and services that are eco friendly.
- http://www.efficientwindows.org/new.php Helps you choose the correct window.
- http://www.niwa.co.nz/our-services/online-services/solarview Solar view, calculate available solar energy to see if PV panels would work at your place.
- http://www.ecoprojects.co.nz/Site/Default.aspx Eco-Home Workshops
- http://www.ecobob.co.nz/EcoBusiness/Browse/40/Building-design-construction-and-renovations.aspx Eco building products and tradesmen.
- http://homestylegreen.com Over 79 podcasts on NZ eco building by kiwi Matthew Culter – Walsh.
- http://www.yimfy.org.nz. https://www.facebook.com/yimfynzUp and coming building school called YIMFY – “Yes in my front yard”. https://www.facebook.com/yimfynz
- http://www.livingbiginatinyhouse.com – A banquet of Tiny house information from right here in NZ. And for those who rather watch video:
- https://www.youtube.com/user/livingbigtinyhouse
- http://www.bbe.org.nz/our-crew-4-1/ Read the 30 Principles, they are a great basic summary. They are written for Waikakere, Auckland so a few details will be different for us in BOP.
- Zero Energy House. http://zeroenergyhouse.co.nz
- Charming video about what it’s like living in a 14sqm Tiny house in Christchurch http://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/home-property/67690503/What-its-like-living-in-a-14sqm-tiny-house
- http://www.ecodesign.co.nz/ecodesign-examples/index.html Graeme North, leading NZ Eco architect. Lots of pics here. The ‘Writings’ tab has information including specifics on strawbale and mud brick guidelines.