PRODID:-//Plenty Permaculture - ECPv4.7.4//NONSGML v1.0//EN
X-WR-CALNAME:Plenty Permaculture
X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Plenty Permaculture
UID:[email protected]
SUMMARY:Bugs! Pests and Beneficials
DESCRIPTION: \nAlthough\, we pay little attention to them\, “bugs” area critical part of maintaining a healthy planet\, our parks\, forests\, gardens\, \nlocal and global food production. \nThe best time to learn about our Bay of Plenty insects\, is in the summer when they are most active. Thus\, we’ve scheduled this course for two summer days: Saturday\, 1 December 2018 and 9 February 2019. \nWe’ll hold it at the rural\, 10 acre Plenty Permaculture Cottage\, where we have lots of bugs to get to know! \nTopics will include: \n\nInsect identification and monitoring\nUsing lenses and USB microscopes to view bugs up close\nThe pest/predator relationship. Switching the focus from pest control to increasing biodiversity\nPlanting to attract beneficials \nSelecting plants for resistance and appropriate planting\nOrganic\, sustainable pest management strategies\n\n \nStudents will want to bring any bugs from home they can find\, and/or damaged plants for identification. \n \nThe best bug book is Managing Pests and Diseases by Rob Lucas. Students may wish to get a copy from the library before class or scroll Trademe\, as it is out of print. \nMinimum numbers to hold the course is 6 and we’ll start a waiting list at 20. \nThe tuition is $90 for both two days: Saturday 1 December (2018) and 9 February (2019)\, 9:30-2:30. \nPlease plan to bring a lunch as we are K’s away from stores or restaurants. A full kitchen is available and tea and coffee will be provided. \nYou’ll receive an orienting email two weeks before the first day with detailed information on times\, directions\, what to bring\, etc. \nYour tutor will be the informative and engaging Kazel Cass. \n
LOCATION:Plenty Permaculture\, 375 Whakamarama Rd\, Tauranga\, BOP\, 3179\, New Zealand
X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=Plenty Permaculture 375 Whakamarama Rd Tauranga BOP 3179 New Zealand;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=375 Whakamarama Rd:geo:176.0018286,-37.7093107
ORGANIZER;CN="Plenty%20Permaculture%20Living%20Skills":MAILTO:[email protected]